nctl upgrade operator
nctl upgrade operator
Upgrade Enterprise Kyverno operator
nctl upgrade operator [flags]
--api-key string Api Key for Kyverno operator
--call-home-server string Call home server (default "")
--chart-version string chart version of the operator and crd charts
--cluster-id string Cluster ID
--cluster-name string Cluster name
-f, --config string Provide the helm values stored in an yaml file
--crd-chart string chart name of the operator crd helm chart (default "nirmata-kyverno-operator-crd")
-t, --git-token string token for the operator helm chart in private helm repo
--helm-repo string operator helm repository name (default "")
-h, --help help for operator
--kube-context string the kube context from configured kubeconfig. Default is the current or sole context
--kubeconfig string kubeconfig path (defaults to $HOME/.kube/kubeconfig)
--kyverno-version string Kyverno version 1.11 (default) (default "1.11")
--license-key string License Key for Kyverno operator
-n, --namespace string namespace in which the operator is deployed (default "nirmata-system")
--policy-sets strings Configure policy sets
--product-name string Product name
-p, --profile string Profile type of Kyverno operator
--registry-name string name of the private registry (no need if images are not pushed to private registry)
--registry-password string password of the private registry (no need if images are not pushed to private registry)
--registry-username string user name of the private registry (no need if images are not pushed to private registry)
--release string release name for the helm chart (default "kyverno-operator")
--release-chart string chart name of the operator helm chart (default "nirmata-kyverno-operator")
--timeout duration time to wait until the operation terminates (default 10m0s)
Options inherited from parent commands
-v, --v Level log level for V logs
- nctl upgrade - Upgrade nirmata components