Nirmata Venafi Adapter

The Nirmata Venafi Adapter helps extract public keys, certificates, or certificate chains stored securely in Venafi CodeSign Protect. These are stored in configmap fields which can then be referenced from Kyverno image-verify policies.

The Nirmata Venafi Adapter is available as a Helm chart that can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster.


Installing the Nirmata Venafi Adapter chart

Adding the Kyverno Helm repository

The following commands add and update the Kyverno Helm chart repository:

helm repo add nirmata
helm repo update nirmata

(Optional) If a custom CA (Certificate Authority) is used in the cluster, create a configmap corresponding to the same in the namespace using the cutom-ca.pem key:

kubectl -n kyverno create configmap <e.g. ca-store-cm> --from-file=custom-ca.pem=<cert file e.g. some-cert.pem>

Creating a namespace

It is recommended to install the Venafi-Adapter in its own namespace. This documentation uses nirmata-venafi-adapter as the namespace:

kubectl create namespace nirmata-venafi-adapter

Installing the Nirmata Venafi Adapter

The following command installs the Venafi-Adapter from nirmata helm repo in the nirmata-venafi-adapter namespace, with desired parameters:

helm install venafi-adapter nirmata/venafi-adapter --namespace nirmata-venafi-adapter --create-namespace

(Optional) Other parameters to the above command corressponding to custom CA, HTTP proxies, or NO_PROXY should be provided as needed:

--set customCAConfigMap=<e.g. ca-store-cm> --set systemCertPath=<e.g. /etc/ssl/certs> --set "extraEnvVars[0].name=HTTP_PROXY" --set "extraEnvVars[0].value=<e.g.>" ...

Check out the entire list of configurable parameters of the Kyverno chart from here.

Checking the pods

Check if the pods are running successfully by executing the below command:

kubectl -n nirmata-venafi-adapter get pods

Checking the CRD creation

The created CRD will be shown as an imagekey. Run the below command to check for the CRD:

kubectl get crd

Testing a sample policy

To test a sample use-case, create an imagekey Custom Resource (CR). Verify that the imagekey fetches the venafi certificates or keys and saves it to a configmap. Next, create a policy that will help verify the acceptance or blocking of it as expected.

Creating the password secret

Before creating the imagekey, create a password secret for the Venafi environment using the following command:

kubectl create secret generic venafi-pwd-secret -n nirmata-venafi-adapter --from-literal password=<your-password> --as system:serviceaccount:nirmata-venafi-adapter:imagekey-controller

Replace your-password with the password of your choice.

(Optional) If needed, create an additional secret with the below command that will convey to Venafi that an additional X.509 cert has to be trusted:

kubectl create secret generic venafi-addl-cert-secret -n nirmata-venafi-adapter --from-file <addl-cert-key-filename>

Replace addl-cert-key-filename with the name of your certificate file. This additional secret is needed in some corner cases when enterprise customers use internal certificates.

Creating the CR yaml

Create a YAML file that will define the ImageKey custom resource. The example uses imagekey.yaml as the name of the CR YAML. The contents of imagekey.yaml are shown below:

kind: ImageKey
  name: my-key
  namespace: nirmata-venafi-adapter
    authURL: ""
    hsmURL: ""
    username: your-venafi-username
    passwordSecretName: <namespace>/<venafi-env1-password-secret>/<key-in-secret>
    label: <Environment-Label>
    interval: <in minutes>
    hostAlias: NA
    configMap: <namespace>/<some-configmap>/<confmap key matching that in policy>
    fetchType: <pubkey, certificate or certchain>
    imagepullsecret: <secretname for private registries>
    keyfetchClientRegistry: <"" or prefix before nirmata/ in uri, e.g.>
    additionalCertSecretName: <"" or e.g. default/addl-venafi-cert-secret/addl-cert-secret-key>

Applying the CR

Apply the Custom Resource in the namespace where the Venafi Adapter is installed with the following command:

kubectl -n nirmata-venafi-adapter create imagekey.yaml

Verifying the created CR

Check that the CR is created successfully with:

kubectl -n nirmata-venafi-adapter get imagekey

Running the first job

After verifying that the CR is successfully created, ensuring the running of the first job is essential. It will download the specified key to the configmap specified in the CR yaml file.

kubectl -n nirmata-venafi-adapter get cm <config map name in CR> -o yaml

Replace config map name in CR with the name of the configmap provided in the imagekey custom resource (CR).

Creating the imageverify policy

Create a Kyverno imageverify policy referring to the configmap field. Refer to the Kyverno official documentation for the policy definition template.

Creating and checking the pods

After the policy creation, create a pod with the below command and check if it is getting blocked or allowed based on their signing with the Venafi keys:

kubectl run venafisignedpod

Uninstalling the chart

The below command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the Venafi Adapter chart and deletes the release:

helm -n nirmata-venafi-adapter uninstall venafi-adapter

Note: The created CRD needs to be deleted manually.